Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes to God - Can a Dress Teach Us to Trust?

This week's study covers Chapter 6: Learning to Trust. Click on the link above to learn more about Lelia Chealey's study of Micca Campbell's book an untroubled heart - finding a faith that is stronger than all my fears.

Micca wrote, ".....I couldn't see past my fears. Therefore, I couldn't see God, let alone trust Him." Last week, I focused on God and progressed in conquering fears. This week, stressors threatened my peace. Doubts attacked my faith. My vision blurred. Could I refocus on God to battle my anxieties? Would I really trust God?

As I dressed for work yesterday, I thought, "I wish I could get just a couple new spring outfits." With our budget limited to necessities, I saw no way to satisfy this desire. I reminded myself to concentrate on our needs. I thanked God for providing for us during this difficult time.

After arriving at work, a co-worker handed a bag to me. She said, "I went shopping in my closet for you." The restroom became my changing room. As I gazed at my reflection in the beautifully fitting spring dresses, my sight cleared.

God used my co-worker to clothe me in the certainty of His provision. Though I saw no way, God already made a way. If He does this in such a minor circumstance, imagine what He can do in the major struggles. "When you and I are secure in God's provision, there's no situation that can destroy us."


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Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,

I am a past book study participant with Lelia...having trouble being on board with Miccas book because of "life's events".

I just had to comment on your "dress" story...I have experienced this just so many times. HIS provision for things that "don't have to be" is amazing to me!! He does truly want to give his children the "desires of our hearts" doesn't he?? And with each situation where HE provides it spurs us on to trust him more!! God is so good!


Lelia Chealey said...

Oh Michelle...I loved this!!! God is so good isn't He??? And you are so right if He'll provide the small things why wouldn't He provide the big?
Such a motivating post Michelle!
Thanks for sharing it.