Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yes to God Study - Family Matters

This week's study covers Chapter 5: Family Matters. It focuses on building a strong foundation for your home and relationships through reliance on God. Click on the link above to learn more about Lelia Chealey's study of Micca Campbell's book an untroubled heart - finding a faith that is stronger than all my fears.

Extreme changes in weather and colds trigger my daughter's asthma. Fall and winter brought asthma episodes with increased frequency and severity, including multiple trips to the emergency room. The triggers also activated my fears and anxiety. I fight not to pass this on to my daughter because I do not want her to feel controlled by her asthma at anytime. I found myself becoming dominated by my anxiety and fears.

In this chapter, Micca's asks, "Where are you today? Are you restless in your cares or are you resting in His care?" Too often I am restless in my cares. I strive to balance my concerns and contain my fears, just as we strive to balance the medications and manage the asthma.

Recently, I struck a better balance by casting my cares to God. During the extreme weather changes over the past ten days, I prayed for my daughter's health. I wanted the weather to calm, but I prayed for a shift in the internal atmosphere of my spirit. I asked God for peace and wisdom, trusting Him to get us through whatever happened.
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4)
I did not feel as anxious. I slept better. More importantly, I traded fear for faith. I trust God to remove our fears as we build a stronger faith.


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Anonymous said...

hello there! came across your wonderful blog and found out about your liking to Maya Angelou. Just thought I'd mention it.

Michelle said...

Wow, thanks "anonymous". That's an amazing compliment. I hope you will visit again and be blessed.

Jeanie said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. I thought I would come by and check out your blog. I like it very much.
Isn't our God so good! This bible is truly incredible!
Glad to know you, Michelle. See you again on "Yes to God".
God Bless,

Lelia Chealey said...

I asked God for peace and wisdom, trusting Him to get us through whatever happened.


Carol said...

Hi I popped over from Lelia's I'm a bit behind on my posts and reading. I love how you asked God for peace and he gave it to you.

God is awesome isn't He.
