Saturday, March 8, 2008

Then Sings My Soul

Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders is hosting Then Sings My Soul Saturdays. You write about a song that touches you. The video below of "Let Go" by Dewayne Woods really speaks to me. Often when I feel out of control, I am trying to be too much in control myself. I listen to this song to remember, "As soon as I stop worrying, worrying how the story ends. I let go, and I let God, let God have his way. That's when things start happening." Enjoy!


Carol said...

This was a good one! I've never heard it before. Thanks for sharing a new song. :)

Kimberly said...

What a great reminder! I need to let go and let God so much more in my life!!!
Thanks for sharing this song!

God's girl said...

I like that song too! We really do need to let go and let God!

Christina said...

Pretty song with a great message. I am so glad I am finding all these new songs to listen to.

Cheri said...

I hadn't heard this before. Great song, I'm glad you shared it!

Amy Wyatt said...

Wow... what a powerful message in this song. One I need to hear over and over. Thank you. I'd never heard this before. I'm glad you are joining us. I hope you will come back every weekend so that you can share some more new songs with me. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

What a great song...I've never heard it before and I love it!

Anonymous said...

WoW! I definitely think that God is try to get me to be obedient... check this out! God is so good to me!

agapesmansion said...

Learing to let go is so hard! It is something that I am still learing to do. Thank yo so much for sharing such a wonderful song.

lynettebm said...

This is beautiful. It's new for me. Thanks for sharing the blessing!

Beth in NC said...

Thank you for sharing this song. It was great! Have a wonderful Saturday!


Junneth said...

Thanks for sharing this. just heard of this song!